Why China Leads the World,
the result of fifteen years of research, re-examines everything we think we
know about China–its government, its economy, its human rights, and its soft
and hard power–and demonstrates that our ‘knowledge’ is mostly nonsense, dreamed
up during the 1950s Cold War and amplified over generations.
Here's one takeaway from the book: there are more hungry children, drug addicts, suicides and executions, more homeless, poor, and imprisoned people in America than in China. Right now. If that's news to you, why not read it? And subscribe to the newsletter, too. That way, you will keep abreast of what's really happening in the Middle Kingdom
We keep you abreast of China’s weekly progress towards its goals and ignore the mainstream media’s endless predictions of Chinese failure. You can’t do business with China for long without knowing accurately what it’s going to do–and why.