Another year in China brought significant transformations and achievements in 2022. President Xi Jinping’s diplomatic efforts led to groundbreaking agreements with Middle Eastern countries, enhancing regional cooperation and securing major technology deals. Domestically, China maintained steady inflation at 2.2% and saw a rise in power generation by 8%.
During a visit in 2022, Xi transformed the once-fractious Middle East into a community united around a shared vision. The leaders of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, the Arab League, Palestine and Lebanon signed thirty-four agreements, among them: KSA can order missiles, helicopters and air defense weapons with a phone call, and no approval necessary; the region will harmonize its plans with the BRI; Huawei will install $30 billion of telecom gear; China will build a $1 trillion regional hub of 21st century industries; Egypt will get a satellite factory; China and the region will unite to liberate Palestine and protect Syria.
Apart from that..
- Inflation stayed flat at 2.2%
- Power generation rose 8%
- SOE revenues grew twice as fast as GDP.
- 48 million kids began kindergarten
- 4.7 million kids earned STEM degrees
- Chinese universities surpassed American in the Top 500
- British researchers chose China over US
- China led in the top 1% of scientific papers
- 110 cities had 1 Gbps networks (the US has 0)
- China built four exascale computers
- Quantum secure smartphones came on the market
- Mao’s old co-ops sold $1 trillion of food
- Half of Chinese farms are cooperatives
- Xi spanked Justin Trudeau on camera
- Serious crime fell 30% since 2012
- B-2 bombers left Guam, F-15s left Okinawa
- 82% supported Dynamic Covid Zero
- Putin serenaded Xi Jinping at the piano
- The 1000-mile Grand Canal filled with water end to end.